
Join Us in Making a Difference

The heart of the Cayce Beautification Foundation lies in its peo­ple. Whether you’re look­ing to shape the future of our com­mu­ni­ty, sup­port our key events, or lend a hand as a vol­un­teer, your involve­ment is cru­cial to our success.

Board Membership: Are you pas­sion­ate about com­mu­ni­ty improve­ment and pos­sess lead­er­ship skills that can help guide our foun­da­tion into the future? We’re look­ing for indi­vid­u­als like you to join our Board of Directors. Your exper­tise and insight can help us grow and make an even big­ger impact in Cayce.

Support The Bee or Brickworks Dinner: Our annu­al fundrais­ers, The Bee and the Brickworks Dinner, are vital in fund­ing our beau­ti­fi­ca­tion projects. Your con­tri­bu­tions, whether through spon­sor­ship or dona­tions, are essen­tial. You can help us make these events a resound­ing suc­cess for our beloved community.

Volunteer: Many hands make light work! There’s always room for hands ready to make a dif­fer­ence. Volunteering with us means direct­ly con­tribut­ing to the beau­ti­fi­ca­tion of Cayce. From plant­i­ng days to event orga­ni­za­tion, your time and skills can bring about real change.

Ready to Make an Impact?

Your involve­ment can help trans­form our won­der­ful city by the riv­er into an even more vibrant and beau­ti­ful place. Reach out today to find out more about join­ing our Board, sup­port­ing our fundrais­ers, or vol­un­teer­ing. Let’s cre­ate last­ing beau­ty and sus­tain­abil­i­ty in our community.