The Bee

Join Us at Steel Hands Brewing on April 21, 2024, at 2pm for “The Bee”

Our cher­ished spring event, “The Bee,” is a flour­ish­ing tra­di­tion that brings our com­mu­ni­ty togeth­er in the spir­it of growth, cama­raderie, and shared pur­pose. Set against the live­ly back­drop of Steel Hands Brewing, this annu­al gath­er­ing is a toast to the beau­ty that sur­rounds us, both in nature and in the col­lec­tive efforts that make our city shine brighter.

A Blossoming Opportunity for Local Businesses

We’re call­ing on local busi­ness­es to become part of this unique cel­e­bra­tion by spon­sor­ing a team of three Bees. This is a fan­tas­tic way to show­case your com­mit­ment to our community’s beau­ti­fi­ca­tion, engage with res­i­dents, and enjoy a day filled with fun, laugh­ter, and friend­ly com­pe­ti­tion. Your sup­port direct­ly con­tributes to the green­ing projects that enhance Cayce’s charm and attract vis­i­tors, mak­ing it a win-win for everyone.

Spectators Welcome: Come for the Bees, Stay for the Nectar

Not ready to spell in pub­lic? No prob­lem! “The Bee” is for any­one who enjoys good cheer and great beer. Come out to sup­port your neigh­bors, friends, or favorite local busi­ness­es as they com­pete for the cov­et­ed title of Spelling Champion. Whether you’re there to cheer or sim­ply to enjoy a day out with fel­low com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers, your pres­ence adds to the mag­ic of the event.

Spell Words, Sip Well, Bring Beauty

By join­ing us at “The Bee,” you’re help­ing plant seeds for a more beau­ti­ful Cayce. Every word spelled and every pint poured fuels our projects that add green spaces, art, and beau­ty across our com­mu­ni­ty. It’s your chance to con­tribute to Cayce’s unique vibran­cy and charm, all while enjoy­ing the spir­it of the sea­son with a bit of nec­tar on the side.

So mark your cal­en­dars for April 21, 2024, at 2pm, and get ready for an unfor­get­table (and pret­ty hilar­i­ous) expe­ri­ence. Whether you’re a speller, a spon­sor, or a spec­ta­tor, “The Bee” is the per­fect way to cel­e­brate spring, com­mu­ni­ty, and the beau­ty of Cayce.

Spell words, sip well, bring beauty. 🌸 🐝 🍺