Our City

The City of Cayce in cen­tral South Carolina, USA, is a city where his­to­ry is alive and the nat­ur­al land­scape invites adven­ture. Nestled against the Congaree River, the area holds his­tor­i­cal depth, com­mu­ni­ty vibran­cy, and breath­tak­ing nat­ur­al beau­ty. As a proud part of this vibrant com­mu­ni­ty, the Cayce Beautification Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non­prof­it, cel­e­brates and con­tributes to our city’s unique blend of cul­tur­al her­itage and nat­ur­al beau­ty. As res­i­dents, we’re proud to share the sto­ry of our city from the heart, cel­e­brat­ing the place we call home.

Journey Through Time and Nature

Our city’s tapes­try is woven from the lives of Native American set­tlers, Revolutionary War heroes, and today’s res­i­dents, all of whom have left col­or­ful marks along the banks of the Congaree River. The Cayce Historical Museum and the 12,000 Year History Park offer win­dows into our rich past, from pre­his­toric times to piv­otal bat­tles. These his­tor­i­cal gems, cou­pled with our scenic Riverwalk, pro­vide a back­drop for edu­ca­tion, reflec­tion, and recreation.

The Cayce Riverwalk, stretch­ing for many miles with paved path­ways, show­cas­es the Congaree River’s beau­ty and pays homage to our first river­front set­tlers. It’s a haven for jog­gers, cyclists, and those seek­ing a peace­ful stroll or a pic­nic by the water. With every step, vis­i­tors and res­i­dents alike are remind­ed of our com­mit­ment to pre­serv­ing our nat­ur­al and his­tor­i­cal landscape.

Culinary and Recreational Treasures

Cayce’s culi­nary scene reflects our com­mu­ni­ty’s growth and diver­si­ty. From the leg­endary steaks at The Kingsman to inno­v­a­tive dish­es at Duke’s Pad Thai, our city is a grow­ing hotspot for food enthu­si­asts. Steel Hands Brewing, a city sta­ple since its open­ing, is a vibrant social scene, offer­ing a per­fect spot for live music, local brews, and com­mu­ni­ty gatherings.

Adventure seek­ers find their thrills through Adventure Carolina, pro­vid­ing kayak­ing and canoe­ing expe­di­tions on the Congaree, reveal­ing the river’s serene beau­ty up close. The Timmerman Trail offers fam­i­lies and nature lovers a chance to explore local wildlife and green­ery, enrich­ing our community’s con­nec­tion to the environment.

Community Unity & Creativity

The true spir­it of Cayce shines through its peo­ple. With a pop­u­la­tion of near­ly 14,000 folks, fes­ti­vals, arts dis­trict, and mar­ket days are reflec­tions of our com­mu­ni­ty’s uni­ty, cre­ativ­i­ty, and resilience. Here you’ll find the Women’s Club of Cayce 5K Hot Flash, wel­com­ing church­es, easy access to shop­ping and restau­rants, numer­ous murals, miles of riv­er front trail for bik­ing and walk­ing, and plen­ty to do in one of our many diverse neigh­bor­hoods where we con­nect, reflect, and find peace.

Big sea­son­al events, like the Soiree’ on State and Tartan Day South, trans­form our streets and fields into col­or­ful dis­plays of tal­ent and cre­ativ­i­ty, fos­ter­ing a sense of pride and belong­ing. Through vol­un­teerism and part­ner­ship, our foun­da­tion con­tributes to this vibrant cul­ture, work­ing side by side with neigh­bors and local busi­ness­es to enrich our col­lec­tive com­mu­ni­ty life.

Fostering Growth and Opportunity

Cayce is blos­som­ing, with new oppor­tu­ni­ties sprout­ing in edu­ca­tion, retail, busi­ness, and beyond. We, as a res­i­dent-led non­prof­it, are excit­ed to sup­port this growth through ini­tia­tives that not only beau­ti­fy but also strength­en our com­mu­ni­ty. From fun spelling bees to pub­lic art projects to thought­ful land­scap­ing, our efforts enrich the qual­i­ty of life in Cayce, mak­ing it an even more invit­ing place to live, play and work.

The Foundation’s Role

In this city where his­to­ry and progress meet, the Cayce Beautification Foundation plays an impor­tant role. Through ini­tia­tives from pub­lic art projects to land­scap­ing and beyond, we enhance the beau­ty and vital­i­ty of our shared spaces. Our work, pow­ered by Cayce res­i­dents and inde­pen­dent of gov­ern­men­tal fund­ing, is a tes­ta­ment to what we can achieve together.

Your Invitation to Cayce

Experiencing Cayce means dis­cov­er­ing the warmth of its peo­ple, the depth of its his­to­ry, and the beau­ty of its nat­ur­al sur­round­ings. We oper­ate inde­pen­dent­ly from the city gov­ern­ment, but our love for Cayce inspires us to work hand-in-hand to con­tribute pos­i­tive­ly to the city’s land­scape and lega­cy. We invite you to join us — whether by vis­it­ing, vol­un­teer­ing, or sup­port­ing our cause — as we work togeth­er to craft a vibrant, thriv­ing Cayce that cher­ish­es its past, cel­e­brates its present, and eager­ly antic­i­pates its future.