Our Grants

Beautification Project Sponsorship

Cycle: Ongoing, reviewed as received.

The Cayce Beautification Foundation sup­ports com­mu­ni­ty-dri­ven efforts to enhance our city’s beau­ty. If you have an idea to improve a pub­lic space, we’re here to help fund it.

Seeking Community-Driven Beautification Projects

Is there a pub­lic spot in your neigh­bor­hood that could be more wel­com­ing? Whether it’s a mur­al, a com­mu­ni­ty gar­den, or any pub­lic area space that needs revi­tal­iza­tion, we want to hear your ideas.

How to Get Involved

Submit your pro­pos­al through our appli­ca­tion form. We’re look­ing for projects that:

  • Improve Cayce’s com­mu­nal spaces.
  • Are ini­ti­at­ed and sup­port­ed by Cayce residents.
  • Can real­is­ti­cal­ly be com­plet­ed with the bud­get and team you have.

We accept appli­ca­tions con­tin­u­ous­ly and will reach out if your project is select­ed for poten­tial funding.

Funding Information

We grant spon­sor­ships up to $500.

While projects with addi­tion­al fund­ing sources are pri­or­i­tized, all are encour­aged to apply. In your appli­ca­tion, please include:

  • Estimated project cost.
  • Requested spon­sor­ship amount.
  • Any oth­er fund­ing sources.
  • Need for vol­un­teer support.

Join Us in Enhancing Cayce

Your project can con­tribute sig­nif­i­cant­ly to our com­mu­ni­ty’s aes­thet­ic and spirit. 

Apply today and help us make Cayce a more beau­ti­ful place to live.